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View Receipt & Confirmation of participation is possible on ksccm.org homepage.
For members, allow after login - mypage, for non members can search on conference - registration.
Congratulations on the acceptance of you abstract for an “E-Poster presentation”.
Your E-Poster will be displayed at the KSCCM-ACCC 2023 conference venue.
Please refer to the following guidelines and request for the E-Poster presenters.
Presentation file must meet the following criteria:
1. It is a one (1) page limit for the E-Poster File.
2. All contents should be included in ONE slide.
3. It is recommended to use Structured format provided below.
- Clinical/experimental contents:
Background/ Methods/ Results/ Discussion/ Conclusion
- Case report:
Introduction/ Case report/ Discussion/ Conclusion
4. Create contents of your E-Poster in the following format.
- Font: Calibri
- Font Size: Minimum 20pt
- File Size: Maximum 20MB
5. Any video and audio should not be allowed.
All E-Poster Presenters must register by the end of the Pre-registration date (April 10(Mon.)).
If presenters do not register by deadline of pre-registration or on-site, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
If you need to withdraw or make any changes of your abstract or make any changes, you should notify in writing to the KSCCM-ACCC 2023 Secretariat via E-mail(abstract@ksccm.org) by April 14(Fri).
If you want to withdraw your abstract, your abstract will be marked as “Withdrawn” on the contents of program and abstract book.
Furthermore, your abstract will be deleted on the abstract book.